• Philosophy



Employee Experience
Hire for attitude – educate for skills

Job satisfaction and loyalty are keywords when companies want to create extraordinary results.

Job satisfaction creates loyal employees, who on average contribute 2.7 times more to the company’s bottom line. Similarly, satisfied employees are 12% more efficient than dissatisfied ones.

That is why it is essential to recruit, develop and retain staff with the right professional, personal and behavioural competences.

Take advantage of our more than 25 years of management experience and psychological insight to foster desire, knowledge and ability among your employees and managers.

Create a genuine feeling of joint ownership of your corporate strategy by involving your employees.

Behavioural profiling and help with creating a common language, appropriate behaviour and an open feedback culture can ensure maximum job satisfaction.

These are all things that contribute to loyalty and satisfaction, which has positive effects on everyone, both internally and externally.


Customer Experience
If we don't take care of our customers someone else will

Companies that offer excellent customer experiences gain customers who are up to 14 times more valuable and increase their revenue by almost 10% more than their competitors.

For this reason, it is not enough to create new customers. They must be developed and maintained so that they’re loyal customers not only in attitude but also in action.

Based on customer focus and strategic insight, companies need to meet customer expectations and build ongoing relationships on the customer journey.

Here it is important to have a meaningful dialogue in which customer responses translate into action. Because when something needs to be changed, someone has to change.

Take advantage of our many years of knowledge and experience of sales, marketing and ensuring customer loyalty, combined with our unique insight into customer behaviour.

A strong strategy based on customer and market insight should be anchored in targeted loyalty work for the benefit of both the customers and the company. These efforts can be combined with regular loyalty measurements to create a solid foundation for the company’s future results.


Society Experience
Be the change you want to see in the world

When a company wants to create holistic results, it needs to keep society in mind!
Everything that the company does not have a direct influence on we call SX. It is crucial to maintain good relationships for example with previous and future customers, employees, shareholders, competitors, business partners, charities and the press. All these have a strong influence on the company’s current and future image and results.

When the company is to be future-proofed, it must ensure that the products or services it supplies correspond to the expectations it has created. We specialize in helping our clients attract new customers and employees and ensuring optimum and lasting relationships and image. We do so, among other things, through disruption and innovation. This creates the best possible basis for ongoing success.


Holistic Results
Big results require big ambitions

Build up a holistic vision that creates synergies through learning and innovation. This gives you in-depth knowledge about which initiatives create which results. Successes can thus quickly be reproduced, and the opposites eliminated effectively. In this way 2+2 can quickly equal 5 or more. In other words, we help create a solid foundation for targeted initiatives and excellent results.

The result of our joint work is happy and loyal employees who create happy and loyal customers and a good image through professional work. This ensures increased profits as well as opportunities for business development, attracting even more happy and loyal customers and the right employees.

Presentation video



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+45 53 38 34 00

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